Agricultural year seasons in Hadramout governorate

 It is divided into two parts: the hand section (Al-Shabami) and the other (Bin Daggar) and a third evaluation in Al-Mahrah, which will be mentioned.

First: The division (Shabami) relative to the city of Shibam Hadramout. It works in the directorates of Wadi Hadramout, and includes the Seiyun District and its suburbs, the Cotton District, Duan and the Western regions, as well as this division works in some coastal areas, such as Mukalla, Shahr and its suburbs.

Agricultural times are used by the stars of the solar houses when they rise at the beginning of the night in the Gregorian date.

The following is the star tables for the seasons of the year on the division (Shabami)

With the names of the stars of the Socotra Directorate, which are to the left of the seasons tables, which correspond to the dates of the stars of the times of Al-Shabami Hadramout.

This information was transferred from the prayer timetables for Socotra Island, which was transmitted by the astronomer Salem Omar Al-Jaidi, a member of the Committee of People and Times of the Ministry of Endowments, as a member of the committee, and this information was prepared by Alawi bin Muhammad bin Abdullah Aideed and Ahmed bin Awad bin Salem Al-Kasadi

Hadramout Al-Shahr - Al-Hami

Here I present important notes to what was mentioned in the agricultural guide book in Hadramout Valley printed 1998 CE, where it was mentioned on p. 41 about the agricultural calendar, where it was mentioned in the text that he said (The ancient farmers recorded their experiences that were transmitted in the form of poems and the most famous of them was the spiritual leader of the farmers (Saad Bamathbah), known as Saad Al-Suwaini, who died in Tarim. The year 857 AH corresponding to the AD 1453 AD - which specified by notice the agricultural calendar for some crops.

For example in the summer schedule

The state of Al-Oi: It appears early night on April 2nd

And the fall semester

The status of the sleeper: it rises on July 2

In fact, the calendar needs to be modified, as the time period of Saad Al-Sweeney is in the ninth century AH and until today it has caused a change in astronomy to some extent and the stars have moved or slipped, which is proven by modern science

It was found that (the annual movement value of the equinox point, i.e. the shift of the equinox point itself with respect to the stars, is equivalent to (50.26) arcseconds, and this movement was called equilibrium retreat, meaning that houses move slowly and move one degree every 71 years and in order to apply the likes of farmers in Wadi Hadramout:

The timings must be modified by field visits, monitoring and observation, as well as the timings for Al-Mahra, as well as Bin Daggar in the Wadi Hajar district

And the scientific modification that I mentioned will be confirmed by longitude by specifying the time for the cities of the governorates of the Republic, where the longitude lines give us the time determination in the times and in the views of the solar houses and the stars of agricultural landmarks, for example, the longitude of Sayun Hadramout 48 d - 42 d - and Sana'a longitude 44 d - 24, the difference is 18-24d

That is, the difference is four days, where the degree is equal to one day, and the time difference between each degree is four minutes of time if ((4 × 4 = 16 minutes plus two minutes of fraction) 1-8 is equal to 18 minutes, the difference between Sanaa and Seiyun and the analogy between the cities of the governorates and the table attached after the timings of Bin Daggar.

1 تعليقات

  1. الأخ عبدالسلام المحترم بعد التحية ما قمتم به من عمل ليس بالقليل عند ذوي الألباب وليس بالهين عند كل ذي عقل منير تمنياتنا لكم النجاح في كل عمل تقومون به خدمة للإنسانية الشكر لكم وللوالد القدير حفظه الله ورعاه من افنى عمره في سبيل نشر هذا العلم ودمتم للوطن ذخرا


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